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carry one’s heart in one’s boots
吓得要命  detail>>
carry with one
记得  detail>>
one hand one heart
合二为一 携手同心  detail>>
in one’s heart
内心深处事实上  detail>>
one s heart
心曲  detail>>
the one with monica’s boots
莫妮卡的皮靴  detail>>
to die in one’s boots
死于非命  detail>>
carry all before one
势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功  detail>>
carry firewood on one
负薪  detail>>
carry the world before one
迅速全面成功  detail>>
dot and carry one
逢十进一  detail>>
one to carry me home
我回家做一个  detail>>
work with one heart and one mind
上下一条心  detail>>
after one’s heart
合…的心  detail>>
done with one heart
同心劫  detail>>
harden one’s heart
使心肠变硬  detail>>
lady of one's heart
意中人。   detail>>
one from heart
心上人》  detail>>